Senin, 24 Maret 2014

Toronto Fashion Week: Behind the Glamour

During Toronto Fashion Week, a lot happens that makes attendees feel very special. Street style photographers wait in the cold, rainy outdoors to snap a picture of a well dressed whatshername, seats have names on their backs so we can judge who gets front row and who gets third, and a VIP section is set up on a second tier of the tent so its inhabitants can literally look down at the rest of us.

But for all that glamour and all that importance, so much happens to remind us that we're all just regular people dressed absurdly for the cold weather. And for anyone who wasn't there to witness these mental takedowns, I made notes so I could tell you.

Food HabitsFirst things first: I skipped a show to eat a Big Mac combo in the PATH. And I'm not even sorry. AND directly after the last show on Friday, I went home and ate a pizza. A whole one. #glamour

'Celebrity' SightingsI like to think I have a knack for picking faces out of a crowd and remembering people I met long ago by just recognizing features but when it comes to celebrity sightings, I am horrible. Every other person I see looks like a famous person and I have to ask everyone around me if I'm crazy or if that's them. A few notable faces I thought I saw this week: Jonah Hill, Parker Posey, Elizabeth Olsen, Elisha Cuthbert and Jonathan Bernier. To make up for my stupidity (and to have a giggle) I took to wandering through large groups of people and saying (as if in conversation with someone) 'Oh my god, did I just see (insert celebrity name)?!' #glamour

Digging For GoldA few seasons ago the media lounge was a marvel. Sandwiches and an open bar made sure that us journalists were treated like royalty. It's not at that level anymore but that's no reason for what I saw this week. While sitting on a chaise chair in the lounge, a man across from me (a well known writer and editor) sat picking his nose. I mean, going to town! First with a pinkie and then with his ring finger. He showed no signs of stopping either when we made eye contact. #glamour

Face Meet GlassWith no bathroom onsite at the tent, if one needs to 'go' one has to go into the building right outside and across from the tent doors. The bathroom most of us use is down in the PATH. After a friend showed me one closer and on the ground floor in a business building, I thought I was so clever and started using it. In between shows, I rushed out to the building to pee and the push door was locked (hi, it's after 7pm!) so I turned to try the revolving doors and instead got a face full of glass as I walked into the protective wall around them. Totally right into it. As in, every surface of the front of my body smacked glass. #glamour

Face Meet LeatherAs if the glass debacle wasn't enough, while sitting in my seat I got wacked in the face (TWICE) by the leather tassles of some guy's bag as he shuffled behind me to his own seat. I half turned around to give him a face to look at when he apologized but just got 'what are ya gonna do?' eyes from him. Rude. #glamour

Dove CampaignReps from Dove were outside the tent all week to ask ladies how they feel about their armpits. I was stopped once and spoke very favourably about my pits...but that was before Friday. Before I showed up in a grey tshirt and wore too heavy a jacket for the BULLSHIT WEIRDASS WEATHER we've been having. I'm talking about sweat stains. And not small ones. #glamour

Stolen SeatsI looooooove watching people steal seats. Actually, I love to watch people during runway shows do anything. Take selfies in the front row, wear sunglasses indoors and use their iPads to do little but block everyone's view. But back to seat stealing. I'm not talking about how everyone moves down a row or two when it's time for the show to start and the PR gals have motioned us to do so. I'm talking about the people who walk in, mill around prime front row seats, take a quick look around for witnesses (um hi, all of us?) and sit down making sure to glue their back to the tag that says whose seat it really is. THOSE are the people that irk me. Which is why during the Narces show, when I saw two girls get relegated tp the back after the intended butts came to claim their seats, I high fived everyone around me. Especially after their excuse was 'Oh, I didn't even notice the name tags.' #glamour

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