Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014

Get Watch Dogs For Just $35.99 on Amazon Sale

Either Ubisoft feels that Watch Dogs failed miserably when it came to sales or it did pretty great warranting such a price drop. For a pretty recent title, this sale on Amazon does seem to suggest either one of these things.

Ubisoft's highly ambitious free roam open world title, which many claimed would be the GTA killer is on a 40% sale at Amazon for current generation consoles, Xbox One and PS4. The previous generation versions for PS3 and Xbox 360 are at a 34% sale while there seems to be no love for the Wii U version, with it being selling at full retail price.

The PC version of the game, which many claim to be the most disappointing one given the system specifications the game demanded and delivered visuals not so different from its current generation console counterparts, has the highest sale of 47% bringing the price down to 32$.

The sale seems to be exclusive to Amazon and isn't even available from Uplay, Ubisoft's very own digital distribution system.

Have you been waiting for such a sale so that you could finally try out the game, set in a somewhat futuristic world where the city of Chicago is controlled by a single operating system, ctOS which the protagonist can manipulate as he desires?

Well do check out the sale here.

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