Posted: 02/24/2014 12:00:00 PM PST
DEAR JOAN: In the local Penny Saver, my husband saw a couple of ads for dogs for sale. The ads said the dogs were declawed. Is this a typo or do people really do this?
Why would they do this to dogs? I would think this would hurt the dogs as it does the cats.
Please tell me they don't do this or why they would.
Mr. and Mrs. Mundt
Bay Area
DEAR MR. AND MRS.: It probably wasn't a typo, although I'm hoping that the declawing in this instance only involved removal of the dewclaw. Although that is controversial, too, a lot of folks have it removed to avoid further injury. In all but one dog, that I know of, the dewclaw is loosely attached to the bone and in an active dog, it can be ripped or torn.
However, some people do declaw their dogs, which is called an onychectomy. In my opinion it is a cruel and painful thing to do, just as it is in cats. Although some medical conditions or injuries may require the amputation of a nail, I don't know of any other valid reason to do it.
Folks need to understand that it isn't just removing the claw. Take a look at your hands. If you removed your fingernails, they would grow back. So in order to get rid of the nail, the entire end joint has to be amputated.
It may not appear that dogs need their nails, but they do, and not just for digging holes to bury bones. Dogs walk on their toes and the nails help them balance and grip. Removing the joints on each toe cannot only make it more difficult for a dog to walk and run, but it can lead to arthritis and, in dogs that are already at risk, spinal injuries or deformities. Just think how difficult it would be for you to get around if part of your toes were chopped off.
Anatomy in cats is a bit different. Their front claws retract and they walk more on the pads of their feet. But they still need the claws for balance, climbing, grasping and other things. As in dog declawing, the end of the toe is cut off to permanently remove the nail.
Declawing is considered animal cruelty in a number of countries and is banned. Alas, it continues in the United States.
DEAR JOAN: Where have all the hummers gone?
I used to have to refill my feeder every 10 days or so, even in our cold snap in December. Now I have to discard and refill just to keep it fresh.
I've never seen this void of hummers before.
Bruce Jenkins
DEAR BRUCE: It's hard to say specifically, but generally you may be seeing fewer hummers because they are finding other food sources, and starting families.
In the winter we have fewer hummers around as some migrate south. The permanent residents are around, but there is less natural food for them so you'll find a mob at your feeders.
This warm winter has everything confused. Trees are blooming and insects are coming back, all of which attract the hummers. Although hummingbirds drink a lot of nectar, they also are insect eaters, and the fresh blooms are mighty attractive.
Hummers, as well as other birds, are mating. The female then builds a nest, lays two eggs, typically, and begins to sit on them. The males defend the nest. All this, however, makes them more scarce at feeders.
They should come back in force once the babies fledge.
Contact Joan Morris at Read the Animal Life blog at
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