Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

Coco Rocha Advises Kendall Jenner Following Fashion Week Bullying Reports

Posted by October 30, 2014, 3:51 pm * Kendall Fisher * 0 comments

Though she totally took over in both New York and Paris, Kendall Jenner and her famous last name weren't exactly welcome on the fashion week runways this year with reports surfacing that she was being bullied by fellow models--her drinks allegedly becoming ashtrays for everyone's cigarettes.

However, veteran supermodel Coco Rocha has just one bit of advice for the newcomer: be the better person.

Rocha herself has seen some pretty terrible drama throughout her successful years on the runway, so when she heard the rumors surrounding Kendall, she couldn't help but empathize with the teen.

kendall jenner leads the dolce and gabbana runway

'It is bad for the industry, and if that all did happen, that's really frustrating to hear,' Rocha told HuffPost Live. 'You have to remember that during the shows, it is all very young girls. It's like high school. We breathe and eat and sleep together for two months, so it gets to a point where you're just overwhelmed, frustrated and tired, and I've had my own stories where it gets a little catty backstage. And not everyone's going to get along. It makes sense. Not everyone's going to be your best friend.'

But instead of diving into the high-school-like drama of it all, she suggests Kendall rise above it and do her own thing.

'But when that does happen, step back, breathe a minute, get out of the room, whatever you need to do. Because in the end, people are watching you under such a fine microscope,' she explains. 'People are going to watch whatever you do, so if you want the job, if you want to be respected in the industry, remember that even though you're a young girl, you have to act a little older and a little wiser.'

Let's hope not only Kendall but others take Rocha's advice, too.

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