Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

Tanger Outlet holding spring fashion event

Tanger Outlet holding spring fashion event

Styles ' Complex offering discounts.


| The Salt Lake Tribune

First Published 4 minutes ago * Updated 4 minutes ago

The Tanger Outlet Center in Park City is holding a spring fashion event called TangerSTYLE through April 19.

Tanger Style Maker Briana Gurley offers the following tips for fashion this spring:

* Mod style includes retro fashion filled with colorful A-line dresses. She suggests transitioning from winter to spring with a Mod-style short sleeve swing coat over a classic shift dress.

* Black and white patterns are in this spring, especially in graphic print. Gurley suggests a graphic print collarless coat over a white dress with a stacked wedge or chunky heel in black and white.

* Accessories such as a metallic clutch, colorful oversized sunglasses and necklaces are in style. So are geometric jewelry and structured handbags.

The TangerSTYLE shop is offering a 20 percent off savings coupon sheet. That coupon is also available at www.tangerstyle.com or web-enabled phones as a download.


Twitter: @tribtomwharton

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